Sunday 24 February 2013


“Whenever I enter the room, all I see you doing is chatting on the Facebook or busy on the phone. What are you up to?” this question would not be chanted hundred times a day had it not being the generation gap between our parents and the ones in their late teens or the young adults. The parents of the young generation are comparatively more understanding and liberal to know the practices and trends of this century.
For we young adults, cellular phones, Facebook, Twitter and dawning ourselves with the western culture seems to be our world. The time when our parents grew up must not have been tremendously influenced by the world of gadgets, the World Wide Web and most of all the western culture. But in this digital world if the older generation is not able to cope with the changes or draw parallels with the trends of century that is when the differences arises. They fail to understand as to how Facebook and other applications such as Watsapp besides connecting people also help us in our course and sharing of notes, for example the presence of groups on Facebook helps in the easy convey of information and even notes.
Even today when sexual assaults such as rapes and molestations take place, the elder generations blame it on the girls that the sexual assaults has taken  place because of the way the girls and women dress or put the blame on their character. What they say is that, had not girls been dressing themselves in scanty clothes then sexual assaults would not be taking place in India. Generation gap is solely to be blamed for their mindset that manner of clothing and going out during odd timings of the night causes rape. Its then that our parents warn we girls from wearing what we want to or stop us from stepping out of the house during nights and even partying at night.
Another issue that can be brought  up is that of drinking. Alcohol intake if done in limits is not a serious issue, an occasional venture to the pub may not seem a big deal to us but for our parents drinking and visiting pubs seems to be the monopoly of spoilt children. Again the reason behind this can be traced to be the generation gap.
Generation gap, is a deep routed problem but until and unless this gap is done with cell phones and Facebook shall continue to be a taboo in our society.

Friday 22 February 2013

Racial discrimination is an age old social issue and its skill doesn’t seems to be obsolete in today’s world. The world still speaks of the harsh reality of racism prevelant in the western world. Discrimination on the basis of racism creates a sense of tragedy in our minds which arises from the inpedinents of human themselves. Man’s treatment of man is the cause of misery, slow progress and degradation. Black men till date fail to understand the reason of their being inferior to their western counterparts, just because of their colour of their skin.
Racial discrimination still continues to exist and it shall continue because it is deeply routed in the minds of the people. This racial prejudice is prevelant in the world of white people. These white people are foolish enough to judge others on the basis of the colour of the skin rather than their character .
Since the last time 1893, Mahatma Gandhi was thrown out of the train because he entered a compartment ment only for the white, till date when indian students have been killed in Australia, nothing has changed except the fact India is now a free democratic country. But what use of india being a free democratic nation when there is racial discrimination still taking place.
 There are many pieces in literature that speaks of racial discrimination. The poet Wole Foyinka seems to be apologetic in his poem ‘Telephone Coversation’ because of being born a black man.
The young writer Annie Frank, who was a jew also faced racial discrimination and through her diary made it known to the world, the discrimination the jews faced for not belonging the Aryan race.
In Shakespeare’s play ‘The Tempest’, we also see the discrimination Prospero creates regarding Caliban, who is thought to be the native of the island.
Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela had all fought against racial discrimination and the struggle still carries on with the same taste as racial discrimination is comitted.

Charity begins at home, Mother is our first teacher, home is our first school are indeed true sayings. And what do we learn from such sayings , i.e. from our families and homes ,are teachings starting all the way from being helpful to be friends with everybody and never discriminating amongst anybody.
These days most of the children attend private school where children from different background, religion, castes  come along to receive education. As we grow up , we are taught even more such things such as respecting our fellow mates , never insulting ones religion ,title or cast. These are times when you feel proud of your parents teachings as to how open minded they are
But when it comes to marriage , all their teachings on equality and not discriminating falls apart. As soon as the question of marriage comes, parents of the Indian society prefer and want their children to marry within the same caste. What about all their teachings about not creating discrimination, when they themselves create discrimination on the bases of caste.
Secondly, Indian parents, also want their children to get the best education. They should opt for the best scope or course possible. They should go to the best school, followed by the best college and then finally abroad . and as soon as he or she goes abroad, the parents take pride in announcing that their child has gone to ‘the states’. If parents can be so broad minded , to send their children off ton a completely new place such as the states or the Britain which is the origin of western culture, then why is it so that when it comes to marriage, our folk keep stressing on the fact to come and marry within their culture or caste.
To earn money and take up a career of our own choice, whether it be even media studies, our parents show their broad mindedness but why does caste system have to step in when it comes to marriage. What can be the reason because of which today’s 21st century folks who dawn themselves in western culture are still not ready to cross the vicinity of caste system


From the courts of the Mughal emperors to lord Indra’s court, women has always been the source of entertainment . The court dancers were all women afterall. And that trend is still followed till date. Women is used for entertainment even in todays world.most of the bollywood movies has to have an item number sported by the woman. In order to mbe called a blockbuster, the movies of the 21st century always keeps an item number but again for the item number to become a hit, the actress is clothed in the most scanty clothes one can think of. Such is the situation, that one when views such item numbers, nothing is left to the male viewers imagination. Why is it so that one after the other item numbers such as ‘munni badnaam’ followed by ‘shiela ki jawaani’ jalebi bai’ and ‘chikni chameli’ has to be there in a movie but never item numbers to which Salmaan khan and Ranbir kapoor dance is choreographed. Why is it never that Shahrukh khan or some other bollywood actor is addressed as ‘chikna’ or ‘munna’ in any song or why is it never that the male actor’s jawaani is decided on with the help of the song.such is the mind set of the glamour world which is also a part of media. The same media which is considered the fourth estate of India.
Another point that can be taken up at the moment, to argue on is the discrimination between man and women in the world of glamour. Men, even at the age of 60 are chosen to be the lead heroes of movies but as soon as female actors reach the age of 30, they are not considered worth enough to play lead roles in movies or even do advertisements.
Why is it so that man in the sixties, who have wrinkles and grey hair as a sign of aging, can still be called heroes while woman actors are not considered fit enough for the film industries.
Does this mean that a woman’s body is the trum card to become successful in the glamour world? These days a woman’s sex appeal judges her success in the glamour world. On the other hand, when this same woman becomes a victim to sexual assault, people blame their sex appeal and the manner in which they are dressed to be the ultimate cause. If in a glamour world, a woman’s body fetches her money and fame, then why on the other hand the sex workers who, to use their body, as a medium to earn livelihood , shunned by the society.
Such is the mindset of the society for whom woman are nothing but sex objects.

                                                 IN MANIPUR……
The north eastern states are also called the seven sisters. These two words the ’seven sisters’ bring into our mind a fairy tale life led by the people of those regions. Situated in the lap of the Shiwaliks ,one of the seven sisters is ‘Manipur’,capital Imphal  helps us paint a beautiful scenary in our minds. But in reality the life there is very different from what we imagine.
 Manipur ,is still under construction to development. A home to various communities such as the Nagas, Kuki, Meitai etc Manipur has many villages and towns as its physical features.
These numerous villages which are nestled at the foothills of the Shiwaliks are the sole suppliers of vegetable,fruits and other food stuffs. Each and everyday trucks loaded with these food stuff, grown in the villages wend their journey through the rough terrains to supply them at the market on time. But frequent ‘blockades’ and ‘strikes’ which has become very common in the north eastern states disrupt such supplies.
These strikes and blockades in these hilly regions lead to great difficulties in these areas. One of the major problems being lack of proper supply of vegetables and fruits to the markets. As a result of which village folk lose out on their income which again hinders the development of the state. there occurs a scarcity of food items in the market leading to an increase in price which makes it difficult for the poorer sections of this state to get proper food.
Besides these strikes which sometimes continues for about three to four months even lead to the closing down of educational institutions, leaving the students at a loss. The reasons for such strikes being a kidnap or a murder. Such strikes lead to complete shut down of the markets and partially to the lives of the Manipuris.
The unique feature of the markets in this region is that the women folk carry out all the marketing activities,80% of the vegetable sellers are women in this area. So again if they are unable to sell their grown food products they suffer a economic loss which hinders them in earning a livelihood.
Corruption, is the second drawback prevailing in the lives of the Manipuris. In all the possible government jobs corruption has a deep routed stand.
Such is the plight of the people of Manipur.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Be it a bowl of midnight Maggie or steaming hot aloo  paranthas, learning to cook has never been a boring or a tiresome job but learning to cook up stories has been the best dishes I ever make. I have learnt to cook up stories since a very young age. To others I may seem a liar but when at the end of the day you realize the story you have cooked up, you feel proud as a novice cook.
The most recent story I cooked up is addressed “the deadline”. Having to live in such a P.G. where they impose a deadline of 8’o clock, turning up within the given time is difficult at times. Being unable to turn up by 8' o clock, my sister and two other friends of mine were locked up outside. The result being having to spend the night at the friend’s house .But when you have such a strict mother, living at a distance of one phone call,  revealing the truth seems out of question. After giving up the choice of jumping over the wall, my sister and her friends decided to leave for their friend’s place at 9:0 pm. “9:0 PM”, The 21st hour of the day when my mobile screen displays “Mom calling”. Having prepared all the ingredients to cook up a story, I received the call and answered the lost list of questions starting from “how was your day” to “what did you have for dinner”. Then came the must awaited question “what is your sister doing”
So I brought my talent of story-telling into use “oh Sis! she has had a tiring day at college so she has decided to go off to sleep early”. For my sister whom we call a nocturnal animal, going to sleep seemed unusual to my mother. So she bombarded me with all possible questions but I, the trophy holder ,of cooking, played each of the spin ball scoring a  four and a six each time. I retired not out having scored a century when my mom finished bowling all the overs. I, gave her a story of the bad headache my sister was suffering from and how with great difficulty she swallowed her dinner and finally managed to fall asleep. So therefore she should not wake her up ,if at all she is unable to fall asleep nest time.
Having added another laurel to my already brooding collection, I aim to become the best cook in the world. The world where stories are cooked!

                      A MEANS TO THE END,BUT NOT THE END
      The gang rape of Delhi has put to question the efficiency of the transport system of Delhi as well as was the police officers. The rage against the police officers of Delhi and the lack of proper bus services during night has served as an eye opener for the government. Besides appeals for punishment for the rapists, like capital punishment and chemical castrations, the population and mainly the woman section of Delhi has demanded for steps to increase their security
        Therefore, steps such as installing G.P.S Systems and CCTV cameras have been suggested. While G.P.S System shall be installed in the buses would ensure that buses do not stray off from their assigned routes on the other hands CCTVs which would remain hidden in transports shall administer the activities going on in the vehicle. Trained officials or men shall keep an eye on any suspicious activity.
        Though it sounds an easy job to do so, and thus expecting that it may bring about a solution to the increasing number of rapes in the country, installing so many G.P.S Systems and CCTV cameras in all the vehicles as well as places such as parking lots, entertainment hubs etc is a tedious job. Continuous 24*7 surveillance through these devices still another tedious task and all officials may not be efficient and honest enough to report suspicious activities.
        So, G.P.S Systems and CCTV cameras are not the ultimate solution to such issues. The instilment of fear , alongside with changing the mindset of the people would also be an important step. If fear lies in the heart of such rapist then also the rape rates would go down.
       So we cannot expect that such devices would completely bring about a standstill to the occurrence of rapes.