Wednesday 20 February 2013

Be it a bowl of midnight Maggie or steaming hot aloo  paranthas, learning to cook has never been a boring or a tiresome job but learning to cook up stories has been the best dishes I ever make. I have learnt to cook up stories since a very young age. To others I may seem a liar but when at the end of the day you realize the story you have cooked up, you feel proud as a novice cook.
The most recent story I cooked up is addressed “the deadline”. Having to live in such a P.G. where they impose a deadline of 8’o clock, turning up within the given time is difficult at times. Being unable to turn up by 8' o clock, my sister and two other friends of mine were locked up outside. The result being having to spend the night at the friend’s house .But when you have such a strict mother, living at a distance of one phone call,  revealing the truth seems out of question. After giving up the choice of jumping over the wall, my sister and her friends decided to leave for their friend’s place at 9:0 pm. “9:0 PM”, The 21st hour of the day when my mobile screen displays “Mom calling”. Having prepared all the ingredients to cook up a story, I received the call and answered the lost list of questions starting from “how was your day” to “what did you have for dinner”. Then came the must awaited question “what is your sister doing”
So I brought my talent of story-telling into use “oh Sis! she has had a tiring day at college so she has decided to go off to sleep early”. For my sister whom we call a nocturnal animal, going to sleep seemed unusual to my mother. So she bombarded me with all possible questions but I, the trophy holder ,of cooking, played each of the spin ball scoring a  four and a six each time. I retired not out having scored a century when my mom finished bowling all the overs. I, gave her a story of the bad headache my sister was suffering from and how with great difficulty she swallowed her dinner and finally managed to fall asleep. So therefore she should not wake her up ,if at all she is unable to fall asleep nest time.
Having added another laurel to my already brooding collection, I aim to become the best cook in the world. The world where stories are cooked!

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