Sunday 24 February 2013


“Whenever I enter the room, all I see you doing is chatting on the Facebook or busy on the phone. What are you up to?” this question would not be chanted hundred times a day had it not being the generation gap between our parents and the ones in their late teens or the young adults. The parents of the young generation are comparatively more understanding and liberal to know the practices and trends of this century.
For we young adults, cellular phones, Facebook, Twitter and dawning ourselves with the western culture seems to be our world. The time when our parents grew up must not have been tremendously influenced by the world of gadgets, the World Wide Web and most of all the western culture. But in this digital world if the older generation is not able to cope with the changes or draw parallels with the trends of century that is when the differences arises. They fail to understand as to how Facebook and other applications such as Watsapp besides connecting people also help us in our course and sharing of notes, for example the presence of groups on Facebook helps in the easy convey of information and even notes.
Even today when sexual assaults such as rapes and molestations take place, the elder generations blame it on the girls that the sexual assaults has taken  place because of the way the girls and women dress or put the blame on their character. What they say is that, had not girls been dressing themselves in scanty clothes then sexual assaults would not be taking place in India. Generation gap is solely to be blamed for their mindset that manner of clothing and going out during odd timings of the night causes rape. Its then that our parents warn we girls from wearing what we want to or stop us from stepping out of the house during nights and even partying at night.
Another issue that can be brought  up is that of drinking. Alcohol intake if done in limits is not a serious issue, an occasional venture to the pub may not seem a big deal to us but for our parents drinking and visiting pubs seems to be the monopoly of spoilt children. Again the reason behind this can be traced to be the generation gap.
Generation gap, is a deep routed problem but until and unless this gap is done with cell phones and Facebook shall continue to be a taboo in our society.

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